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Working and Benefits

Benefits and Working Infographic

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Working and Your Benefits

This table shows resources and programs for working and receiving benefits like SSI or Medicaid.

To learn more about these programs and find other resources, visit

AHCCCS Freedom to Work

AHCCCS Freedom to Work means you can work and still receive healthcare through AHCCCS. To qualify, you must:

  • Have a job
  • Be between 16 and 64 years old
  • Have a disability
  • Earn less than %5,289 per month.

Call 1 (800) 528 0142 to learn more.

Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS)

If you work and receive SSI, , PASS can help you save money to:

  • Start your own business
  • Pay for transportation to and from your job
  • Buy a computer for your career
  • Take job training classes
  • Other career and educational-related expenses

Visit to learn more and to apply.

Student Earned Income Exclusion for SSI

Are you in school and earning money? The Student Earned Income Exclusion for SSI (SEIE) lets you earn some money without affecting your SSI benefits. To qualify, you must:

  • Be receiving SSI benefits
  • Be under 22 years old
  • Regularly attend school, college, or training.

With SEIE, you can earn $1,870 per month. If you earn more than $7,550 in a year, your SSI benefits will be affected, but you are still making more money.

Visit to learn more.

ABLE Accounts

ABLE Accounts are special bank accounts where you can save money without affecting your benefits. You can open an ABLE Account if you have a disability and your disability started when you were under 26. With an ABLE Account, you can:

  • Save up to $100,00 without losing your SSI benefits
  • Use your money to improve your quality of life
  • Receive money from family and friends

Visit to learn more and apply.